Should Tragedy Make You Bitter or Better?

When Kathy Zengolewicz heard the knock on her door, she had no idea that it would bring her news of her son Walt’s death by overdose. Her journey of recovering from the grief and finding her life’s purpose would begin that day. Now, her Amazon bestseller, My Dragonfly Walt, is changing lives including her own.

Kathy says, “If you have ever lost a child, whether it was an infant, toddler, teen, grown man/woman, you will understand the things I write about in this book. The pain, and shock in some cases, is rooted deeply inside your being. It is a pain so severe that it eats a hole in your heart. I have been dealt this hand of sorrow and grief, and it took me a long time to be able to look inside of myself and find what was needed to help me to go on living. Was I going to be bitter, or better? There was only one choice for me and that is better. I wrote this book with the hope that it will help another mother, father, sibling, friend or family member see their way through the stages of grief, and they are powerful stages, and be able to live again.”


You will...

  • Learn to accept the loss 

  • Learn that living with the loss will become your new normal

  • Learn that there is no such thing as death of the spirit

  • Learn to get through the grief

  • Learn a new way of living without your loved one

  • Learn that the loss never goes away, but it gets easier to face

  • Learn that although it feels impossible, you will find happiness again

If you've ever lost a loved one, especially a child, you will find
 great comfort and support in Kathy's story of losing her son to drugs.

             BUY THE BOOK TODAY!
When you lose a child, the world stands still. The birds no longer sing, the sun no longer shines. You feel as though you are alone, even in a room full of people. Grief is a terrible five-letter word. It’s easier to climb a mountain than to get past grief unscathed. Kathy Zengolewicz deals with the grief and with the loss that was the cause of the grief. She has learned to live with the grief but under her terms. It is her passionate hope this book can shed some light on the ways that you can conquer grief, kick it to the curb, and create a new life filled with love, peace, and joy.

Kathy and her husband have been married since 1970. They have raised five children: a police officer, a fireman, a master plumber, and an accountant. One son is in spirit. They have five grandchildren and one great-grandson.

My Dragonfly represents the son they lost to drug addiction in September of 2012. Kathy has written My Dragonfly Walt to help others who have lost children, to let them know that their life matters, and to help them find the healing they need to feel whole again. If this book helps just one person or one mother who has lost a child, then it was well worth writing.

Learning to live a conscious life has helped Kathy to move toward her goals of manifesting her true life’s path and helping others who may be searching for meaning in their lives.

I think that I have always been comfortable with the world of spirit and intuition, but it is only in recent 
years that I have become aware of realities that are rarely visible to others. I don't use a crystal ball, 
but I can sense what is going on with other people. I have a unique ability, I call it a gift, for helping 
others to discover their own intuition and recognize their own truths. When I lost my son in 
September of 2012 I didn't want to live. It just hurt too much to go on, but I couldn't do anything to harm 
myself. So, I did the next best thing. I prayed. After prayer, meditation works wonders. It's been said the
"prayer is asking" and "meditation is receiving the answers. After a while, I started to feel a little bit 
better, but I couldn't heal. I knew that I would never heal from this horrible experience. 

When you lose a child, it is like no pain you have ever experienced. It feels like someone stuck a red hot poker in the middle of your heart. I have learned to live with the loss, but it takes a long time. When my son went home to the other side, my gifts started opening me up to things that I never before experienced. I found myself spending my days, not every day, but some, making contact with Walt. It seemed like I could talk to him anytime. He has saved me from accidents while I was driving, he has come to me, in spirit, just to say hello, happy birthday and just plain spending time with me and that has changed my life completely. If you have ever lost a child, please, please, get help through group therapy. Find a grief group and share the experience with others who are suffering the way that you were and still are suffering. There is one thing that I know for sure, and that is that there is an afterlife. We are all on this Earth to learn and to make a difference. When our time is up we will return to the beauty that is home.

Good reading
By tara 
Helpful reading. Particularly helpful to all who have suffered trauma in their lives.

By Tess Alan 

I lost my 28 year old son to suicide 1 year ago and this book really helped me a lot. This book is a short BUT an amazing read whether you lost a child or not. It was therapeutic for my soul. I also choose to be better and not bitter! I WILL see my son again.

Five Stars
By Paul micenec 
Very personal journey and self discovery.